A tribute to Franklin County.
I am Franklin County: Portraits of our Community in Words, Images & Sound
An interactive exhibit of portraits of the people of Franklin county now and in the past.
The Council for the Arts is inviting the community to share photos & stories of their lives.
The creative staff will interweave the images, words and sounds into an exhibit that will grow with community
involvement as more history and current local lives are included.
Creative workshops during the show will allow more of the community to share their creativity, their lives and become part of the exhibit.

Lance Walker
jim mackey
Music from Cumberland Valley School of Music students
The Council For The Arts Gallery, located at 103 North Main Street Chambersburg,
is a community hub of creative experiences.
With a focus on local talent and a diverse representation of art disciplines,
the Gallery is an advocate for arts accessibility, education and opportunity in our every day lives.