Upcoming & current events.

YA Mini Art Challenge
5th Annual Young Artist
Miniature Challenge
November 15-December 6
Exhibition Schedule
FREE Canvases available in the Council
November 15 - 23 - Young Artist Challenge Artwork due in Gallery
November 15 - December 6 Young Artist Challenge display & voting
December 6 - 5-8 pm - Young Artist Reception & Awards
December 8 - 21 Pick up of work
The earlier your work is delivered the greater the chance for votes!
to the Council for The Arts, 103 N Main Street, Chambersburg PA

40th Annual National Juried Miniature Exhibition
Chambersburg Council for the Arts is proud to host
the 40th Annual National Juried Miniature Exhibition
November 1 to December 21, 2024.
View miniature paintings and sculptures from across the country.
Miniature art is often described as fine original art done on a small scale.
These tiny wonders are a delight to see. Magnifying glasses provided.

Inner Peace
Seasonal Falafel Shack shows
In the Shack on the square 9 North Main Street
Inner Peace
For hours and more information about the Falafel Shack https://www.falafelshackpa.com/

Downtown Art Walk
Art Walk is the perfect date night!
Stroll along our beautiful downtown on Friday September 6th from 5-7 pm and enjoy all the ART downtown Chambersburg has to offer. Check out the art and grab dinner in one of our fantastic restaurants downtown
- 'Sew to Speak' at the Council for the Arts. This regional exhibition includes SAQA art quilts from the mid-Atlantic states.
- 'Autumn Colors' at Denim Coffee is a collection of art from some of the 30 members of the Foundry Art Market members
- '8 x ATE' at the Falafel Shack celebrates all things food in our annual 8 inch square show. Perfect little bites of art.
-Find it at the Foundry Art Market at their new location a half block from the fountain. Locally made art and artisan work.

Sew to Speak
Sew to Speak
September 6th to October 19th
Organized by the DC/DE/MD/WV Region of SAQA (Studio Art Quilt Associates) and also including art by members of SAQA’s NC/VA and PA Regions, Sew to Speak explores ideas of meaning in textile art by showing how contemporary art quilters express themselves in their work.
We are thrilled to have selections from the show that first hung at the BlackRock Center for the Arts during National Women’s History Month in Spring 2024.
Gallery open Fridays 12-5 & Saturdays 10-2
Open extended hours during downtown events or by appointment
Contact Andrea Finch at gallery@councilforthearts.net for viewing by appointment

Young Artist Summer Art Show Reception
We welcome all the Young Artists, families, friends & supporters of art!
Our walls are filled with art created during Summer Art Camps and more ART!!!
Reception Friday, August 16 5-7 pm

Miniature Call for Art
40th Annual Juried Miniature Exhibition 2024
Gallery show - November 1 - December 21
In the Gallery 103 North Main Street
Chambersburg Pennsylvania 17201
Our National exhibition of Miniature Art is celebrating it's 40th year in Chambersburg.
Miniature Artists from across the nation working in oil, acrylic, pastel, encaustic,
watercolor, graphite, clay, wood, fiber, metal, and other materials are welcome.
All art sent is accepted as long as guidelines are followed.
Work will be returned in January at the end of the exhibition.

Eight X ATE
Are you hungry yet?
Now hanging in the Falafel Shack the second annual Eight X Ate show featuring some of our favorite CFTA artists.
Submissions accepted until July 13th
More information athttps://www.councilforthearts.net/callsforart

Eight x ATE deadline
Call for Art deadline
Art needs to be in the galley by Saturday June 29th at 2 pm
More information at

Best of FCAA
The Best of the Franklin County Art Alliance 52nd annual Art Show is hanging in our gallery!
Show dates: June 15 to July 20, 2024
Gallery open Fridays 12-5 & Saturdays 10-2
Open extended hours during downtown events or by appointment

Young Artist Summer Art Show
CFTA wants to fill the Galley with work from area Young Artists ages up to teens.
Our teachers will be pulling art from their students to hang on our walls during Summer Art Camps but we want more ART!!!
Summer Art Camps
Arts Express
Boys & Girls Club, Cumberland Valley School of Music, Rec Center camps
Any Young Artist work!
More information at https://www.councilforthearts.net/young-artist-summer-art-show-call-for-art

Jacket Project Auction
You are Invited to the CFTA benefit Jacket Project Auction on Sunday April 21st from 1-3 pm.
Light refreshments, tunes and fantastic art to wear with a chance to bid and make your own.
Live mannequins will model the jackets during the event.
Our MC will be our dear friend & Chambersburg celeb MrPhab, Philip Whitley.
Silent Auction 1-3 pm
Live Auction for select jackets starts at 2 pm
Jackets will be available to view and bid on starting April 5th until the auction date.
Inquiries contact us at gallery@councilforthearts.net

Call for Art - The Jacket Project
The Jacket Project ‘24
Gallery show April 5th - April 21st
Turn that piece of ‘Junk’ into a Funky piece of art to be auctioned off
in the Gallery on Sunday, April 21st
Exhibition Schedule
Now - Pick up a Jacket now or use your own in the Gallery 103 North Main Street
April 1st-6th - Jackets due in the Gallery
April 20st - Downtown Earth Day Events
April 1st - April 20th - Jackets to be displayed in the Gallery & online
April 21st - The Jacket Project Auction – Jacket Fundraiser Live & Silent Auctions in Gallery and Estate jewelry mélange
Turn that piece of ‘Junk’ into a Funky piece of art to be auctioned off during an auction in the Gallery. You may decorate any piece of apparel: jackets, hats, shoes, belts, pants, shirts, etc.
Women’s & Men’s clothing & even kids clothing is acceptable.
Pieces to be displayed in the Gallery and online before the auction.
Jacket Auction & Estate jewelry sale to benefit the CFTA.
Artists will receive 35% of the Auction price.

Fine Edged Grain in the Gallery
Adam Rung
Jim Sabiston
Brad Clever
Three fine artists living in Chambersburg. The furniture of a second generation woodworker, a photographer who transforms photos into impressionistic watercolors and a painter who creates lifelike paintings in oil & gouache. Now through March 30.
The gallery is open 12-5 Fridays and 10-2 Saturdays. Also by appointment contact Andrea Finch at gallery@coumcilforthearts.net for an appointment to view outside of normal hours.

Snowfall Ball
Dance the night away at the SnowFall Ball.
Dance the night away with dance lessons followed by an open dance and a showcase performance by Frank Hancock.
Join us for an evening of dancing, demonstrations and light refreshments.
6-7 pm Dance instruction from Frank Hancock
7-10 pm Dancing at the Fellowship Hall in the Central Presbyterian Church
8 pm Showcase Performance by Hancock Dance
Tickets available at the door.
Cash only
Dance instructions and demonstrations by Frank Hancok of HancockDance.com
Friday January 26, 2024, 6 – 10 PM
Central Presbyterian Church Fellowship , 40 Lincoln Way W, Chambersburg, PA 17201

IceFest 2024
Icefest is organized by the Council for the Arts, Chambersburg’s Downtown Business Council & Downtown Chambersburg Inc
IceFest originated in 2002 to help the community shake the mid-winter blues. A large group of volunteers came together to bring displays and other activities to get us out of our houses and into our local community. Over the years the events, the fun and the crowds have continued to grow.
The Largest Ice Festival In Pennsylvania!
Pull out your favorite scarf and mittens, bundle the kids up and be sure to grab your camera; you won’t want to miss the faces of those that sit upon the giant ice throne for the first time or stand beside their favorite sculpture. You can also catch a glimpse of the carvers from DiMartino Ice sculpting right in front of your eyes! Skilled in their art form, these carvers have trained for many years and can turn a plain block of ice into just about anything. It’s amazing to watch.
A huge variety of events and activities are scheduled throughout the four-day festival giving you a chance to explore the best of Chambersburg and experience our vibrant Downtown culture for yourself. Be sure to visit your favorite art galleries, restaurants and boutique stores while enjoying all that Icefest has to offer.
There is so much to see and do, so be sure to check out Icefest’s schedule of events.

Sip and Stroll
Sip, Shop & then Stroll
Make your first stop at CFTA and enjoy samples from our friends at TBC Brewing from the Barrel House.
Join us this Holiday season as we taste, sample and enjoy our through Downtown Chambersburg with local and regional beer, cider, wine and distilled beverages and international food that Downtown Chambersburg has to offer!
Purchase your tickets from Downtown Chambersburg Inc - $45 for food and 21+ beverages!
Proceeds go towards downtown revitalization!

Young Artist Miniature Challenge Reception
Join us to celebrate the art of our Young Artists
Vote for your favorite YA miniatures!

Cocoa Crawl at CFTA
Get your Cocoa Crawl mugs on the square and make the Council your first stop!
View the 39th Annual Miniature Exhibition & Young Artist Miniature Challenge
Hot cocoa and a stroll through our beautiful downtown. What could be better?!
Buy a custom Cocoa Crawl mug on the square from Downtown Business Council for $8 or two for $15, starting at 5:30pm.
With mug purchase, you will receive a wristband and a ballot.
At 6pm, you can stroll through downtown and sample cocoas from participating businesses.
Vote for your favorite (VOTE FOR CFTA) and bring your ballot back to the square.
You must have a wristband to participate in sampling. Sponsored by Valley Agency Insurance.
Mug design winner: Madi Stine

Small Business Saturday
Shop Local!
Support your Community!
Gift Certificates for Classes!
Miniatures make Great Gifts!
Vote: Young Artist Challenge
Open 10-2

Plaid Friday
Shop Local!
Support your Community!
Gift Certificates for Classes!
Miniatures make Great Gifts!
Vote: Young Artist Challenge
Open 12-5

You Are Art Gala
Join us for an Avant-gART evening with hors d’oeuvres, dinner and entertainment from all areas of art in Chambersburg, including the Collector’s Choice Art Auction.
November 4th, 2023 6-10 pm

39th Annual Juried Miniature Exhibition Reception
Join us for our favorite annual exhibition the 39th Annual Juried Miniature Exhibition reception and give the perfect gift….Art.

39th Annual Miniature Art Exhibition
The tradition continues with Chambersburg’s 39th Annual Miniature Exhibition.
Click here for information on how to enter the exhibition Miniature call for Art

Tiny Art Snacks: Rock Painting
Tiny Art Snacks: Rock Painting
First Friday September 1st 5-8pm

Hidden/Unhidden Reception
September 1 to October 21, 2023
Meet the Artists Reception : October 6th 5-8 pm
What do you keep hidden?
What do you expose?
jim mackey.
Chris Oleary.
Barbara Randall.
Leighton Scott.
Mary Seay.
Catriona Lunsford.
Gallery open Fridays 12-5 Saturdays 10-2
Additional hours and Open Late for downtown events

Bra-Dazzled Contest!
Bra-Dazzled Contest
The Bra-Dazzled Contest returns to Chambersburg’s downtown on October’s First Friday 5-8 pm on October 6th.

Bra-Dazzled Wanted
Bra-Dazzled Bras Wanted
The Bra-Dazzled Contest returns to Chambersburg’s downtown on October’s First Friday 5-8 pm on October 6th.

Bra-Dazzle Maker Workshop
Bra-Dazzled Maker Workshop
September 17th 1-3 pm
The Bra-Dazzled Contest returns to Chambersburg’s downtown on October’s First Friday 5-8 pm on October 6th.