Chambersburg Council for the Arts is proud to host
the 40th Annual National Juried Miniature Exhibition
57 Artists
13 States
154 Works of Art
November 1 to December 21, 2024
View miniature paintings and sculptures
from across the country.
Miniature art is often described as
fine original art done on a small scale.
These tiny wonders are a delight to see.
Magnifying glasses provided.
Best of Show
Viviande Kosinsky
Falls Church, Virginia
Merit Awards
Julie Kreps
Waynesboro, Pennsylvania
Raystown Lake
Janette D. Koons
Mont Alto, Pennsylvania
Oh! Hello!
Dolores M. Andrew
Parkville, Maryland
Ketchikan Morning
pen + ink + watercolor
Honorable Mention Awards
5 - Mary Alleman – Chambersburg, Pennsylvania - Seashells - 3 ½ x 3 ½ - watercolor + ink - $125 HM
9 - Christine Bass – Vinton, Virginia - Sunny Day - 3 x 4 - pastel - $350 HM
28 - Dawn Burgoon - Greencastle, Pennsylvania - Tiniest House in Paris - 4 x 6 - watercolor + ink - $80 HM
30 - Ellen Burke – Gettysburg, Pennsylvania - I'll Drive if You Can Get a Ride Back - 5 x 5 - gouache - $200 HM
42- Vivian de Kosinsky - Falls Church, Virginia – Pastries - 3 x 2 - hand colored etching - $300 HM
48 - Anne Finucane – Chambersburg, Pennsylvania - Village - 4 ½ x 2 ½ - watercolor - $55 HM
54 - Julia A. H. Fox – Chambersburg, Pennsylvania - View from a Wedding - 4 x 4 - acrylic - $180 HM
67 - Seth Holmes - Waynesboro, Pennsylvania - Memories in Miniature - 8 x 6 - watercolor - NFS HM
83 - Julie Kreps – Waynesboro, Pennsylvania - Moonlight in the Backyard - 3 x 4 ½ pastel + gouache - $175 - HM
95 - Carol Lopez - Los Ranchos, New Mexico - Splash of Color - 2 x 3 - encaustic wax - $400 HM
113 - James Mullen – Endwell, New York - Green Heron at Sapsuckerwoods - 3 ½ x 3 - ink + watercolor - $75 HM
133 - Emily Sloviko - Thurmont, Maryland - Set of Figs - 4 X 5 - acrylic - $395 HM
146 - Gloria Walker - Fayetteville, Pennsylvania - Queen Anne's Lace - 4 ¼ x 2 ½ - watercolor - $75 HM
154 - Diana M Wyles - Fort Bragg, California - Birds on a Wire - Barn Swallows - 2 ¼ x 4 ¼ - acrylic - $225 HM
2024 Miniatures
1 - Mary Beth Aker - Parkton, Maryland - Seed I - 4 x 6 - batik + paint marker - $100
2 - Mary Beth Aker - Parkton, Maryland - Seed II - 4 x 6 - batik + paint marker - $100
3- Mary Beth Aker - Parkton, Maryland - Dark Lily - 4 x 6 - batik + paint marker - $100
4 - Mary Alleman – Chambersburg, Pennsylvania - Sandcrab - 3 ½ x 3 ½ - watercolor + ink - $125
5 - Mary Alleman – Chambersburg, Pennsylvania - Seashells - 3 ½ x 3 ½ - watercolor + ink - $125 HM
6 - Dolores M. Andrew – Parkville, Maryland - Ketchikan Morning - 3 ½ x 5 - pen + ink + watercolor - $450 - merit
7 - Dolores M. Andrew – Parkville, Maryland – Parking - 3 x 4 ½ pastel - $450
8 - Dolores M. Andrew – Parkville, Maryland - Living Dangerously - 3 x 4 ½ - watercolor - $450
9 - Christine Bass – Vinton, Virginia - Sunny Day - 3 x 4 - pastel - $350 HM
10 - Christine Bass – Vinton, Virginia - Spring is in the Air - 3 x 4 - pastel - $385
11 - Christine Bass – Vinton, Virginia - One Big Posey - 4 x 3 - pastel - $375
12 - Christine Bass – Vinton, Virginia - Country She Shed - 4 x 3 - pastel - $350
13 - Susan Benigni-Landis – Lewisberry, Pennsylvania - Twilight Stream - 4 x 6 - oil - $250
14 - Susan Benigni-Landis – Lewisberry, Pennsylvania - Rolling PA Farms - 4 x 6 - oil - $250
15 - Susan Benigni-Landis – Lewisberry, Pennsylvania - Glen Rd Pond Little Waterlilies - 4 x 4 - oil - $250
16 - Susan Benigni-Landis – Lewisberry, Pennsylvania - Pretty Pink Poinsettias - 4 x 6 - oil - $250
17 - Mary Ann Bliley – Erie, Pennsylvania - Golden Hour - 3 5-8 x 5 ⅝ - watercolor - $75
18 - Mary Ann Bliley – Erie, Pennsylvania - Victoria's Violets - 3 ½ x 5 ½ - watercolor - $75
19 Mary Ann Bliley – Erie, Pennsylvania - Pumpkin Patch - 3 5-8 x 5 5-8 - watercolor - $75
20 Mary Ann Bliley – Erie, Pennsylvania - Marina Moorings - 3 ½ x 5 ½ - watercolor - $75
21 - Shana Bonetti - Shippensburg, Pennsylvania - Purple Wildflowerscape - 4 x 4 - acrylic + molding pastel - $40
22 - Shana Bonetti - Shippensburg, Pennsylvania - Yellow Wildflowerscape - 4 x 4 -acrylic + molding pastel - $40
23 - Shana Bonetti - Shippensburg, Pennsylvania - Cat in the Wild - 4 x 4 - acrylic + molding pastel - $40
24 - Shana Bonetti - Shippensburg, Pennsylvania - Rabbit in the Field - 4 x 4 - acrylic + molding pastel - $40
25 - Jolie Bouldin – Shippensburg, Pennsylvania - Terrarium - 3 ¼ x 6 mixed media colored pencil - $150
26 - Jolie Bouldin – Shippensburg, Pennsylvania - Terrarium - Fairy - 5 x 3 - mixed media colored pencil - $150
27 - Dawn Burgoon - Greencastle, Pennsylvania - American Cemetery - Normandy - 4 x 6 - watercolor + ink - $100
28 - Dawn Burgoon - Greencastle, Pennsylvania - Tiniest House in Paris - 4 x 6 - watercolor + ink - $80 HM
29 - Ellen Burke – Gettysburg, Pennsylvania - Sparkle Baby - 5 x 5 - gouache - $250
30 - Ellen Burke – Gettysburg, Pennsylvania - I'll Drive if You Can Get a Ride Back - 5 x 5 - gouache - $200 HM
31 - Ellen Burke – Gettysburg, Pennsylvania - The Tree Was Here When I Moved In - 5 x 5 - gouache - $100
32 - Ellen Burke – Gettysburg, Pennsylvania - Spark - 3 x 4 - gouache - $50
33 - Lynda Clayton – Greencastle, Pennsylvania - Out to Pasture - 4 x 6 -oil - $80
34 - Lynda Clayton – Greencastle, Pennsylvania - Pumpkins Aplenty - 4 x 6 - oil - $80
35 - Lynda Clayton – Greencastle, Pennsylvania - View from My Window - 4 x 6 - oil - $60
36 - Lynda Clayton – Greencastle, Pennsylvania - Daddy's Little Girl - 4 x 6 - oil - $50
37 - Sharon Coons - Chambersburg, Pennsylvania - Wonderment - 4 x 6 - oil - $250
38 - Sharon Coons - Chambersburg, Pennsylvania - Resting Place - 4 x 4 - oil - $200
39 - Vivian de Kosinsky - Falls Church, Virginia - Greek cat - 2 x 2-etching - $150
40 - Vivian de Kosinsky - Falls Church, Virginia - A Brief Case - 2 x 2 - etching - $150
41- Vivian de Kosinsky - Falls Church, Virginia – Service - 3 x 2 – etching - $200 Best of Show
42- Vivian de Kosinsky - Falls Church, Virginia – Pastries - 3 x 2 - hand colored etching - $300 HM
43 - Sherree Devor – Chambersburg, Pennsylvania - Mini Moos - 6 x 4 x 4 - ceramic - $100
44 - Melinda Fabian – Hellertown, Pennsylvania - Desert Beauty - 2 ½ x 2 ½ - paper + watercolor + gouache - $495
45 - Melinda Fabian – Hellertown, Pennsylvania - It's Party Time! - 1 ¾ x 1 ¾ - paper + watercolor + gouache - $300
46 - Melinda Fabian – Hellertown, Pennsylvania - Decadent Rose - 1 ¾ x 1 ¾ - paper + watercolor + gouache - $300
47 - Anne Finucane – Chambersburg, Pennsylvania - Raking Leaves - 2 ½ x 4 ½ - watercolor - $65
48 - Anne Finucane – Chambersburg, Pennsylvania - Village - 4 ½ x 2 ½ - watercolor - $55 HM
49 - Anne Finucane – Chambersburg, Pennsylvania - Bender's Pond - 4 ½ x 2 ½ - watercolor - $55
50 - Anne Finucane – Chambersburg, Pennsylvania - Plein Air Morning - 3 ½ x 3 ¾ - watercolor - $65
51 - Korey A. Flick – Chambersburg, Pennsylvania - Gobble, Gobble - 4 ½ x 6 - oil- $20
52 - Korey A. Flick – Chambersburg, Pennsylvania - Baby Giraffe - 4 x 4 - oil - $20
53 - Korey A. Flick – Chambersburg, Pennsylvania - Winter Visitor - 4 x 4 - oil - $20
54 - Julia A. H. Fox – Chambersburg, Pennsylvania - View from a Wedding - 4 x 4 - acrylic - $180 HM
55 - Julia A. H. Fox – Chambersburg, Pennsylvania - Joy Flutters Through - 3 x 3 - acrylic - $120
56 - Dee 'Diane' Freeman-Jones – Chambersburg, Pennsylvania - Alice - 4 x 6 - mixed media - $100
57 - Dee 'Diane' Freeman-Jones – Chambersburg, Pennsylvania - Who Are You - 4 x 5 - mixed media - $100
58 - Jean Frey – Fayetteville, Pennsylvania - Red Door in the Woods - 4 x 6 - mixed media + pastels - $98
59 - Jean Frey – Fayetteville, Pennsylvania - Winter Sunset - 4 x 6 - pastel - $80
60 - Jean Frey – Fayetteville, Pennsylvania - Ocean Sunset - 4 x 6 - pastel - $80
61- Jean Frey – Fayetteville, Pennsylvania - Water Over Rocks - 4 x 6 - pastel - $80
62 - Nancy Garcia - Falls Church, Virginia - Lunchtime - 2 ½ x 2 ½ - colored pencil - $125
63 - Nancy Garcia - Falls Church, Virginia - The Meerkats - 2 x 4 - oil - $160
64 - Ariadne Gejevski - Berkeley Springs, West, Virginia - Thoughts to Ponder - 2 ½ x 2 ½ - mixed media - $175
66 - Madison Guyer - Chambersburg Pennsylvania - Through the Fields - 2 1-8 x 2 1-8 - acrylic - $575
67 - Seth Holmes - Waynesboro, Pennsylvania - Memories in Miniature - 8 x 6 - watercolor - NFS HM
68 - Susan Kern – Weston, Missouri - Wishful Thinking - 2 ¼ x 1 ¾ - oil on ivorine - $350
69 - Susan Kern – Weston, Missouri - Praying for Dinner - 2 ¼ x 1 ¾ - oil on ivorine - $350
70 - Susan Kern – Weston, Missouri - Admiration - 2 ¼ x 1 ¾ - oil on ivorine - $350
71 - Susan Kern – Weston, Missouri - Fierce - 2 ¼ x 1 ¾ - oil on ivorine - $350
72 - Lois Kilberg – Hudson, New Hampshire - Rocky Shores - 1 3-8 x 1 7-8 - watercolor - $250
73 - Lois Kilberg – Flowers on the Railing - 1 3-8 x 1 7-8 - watercolor - $250
74 - Janette D. Koons - Mont Alto, Pennsylvania - Winter Solace - 2 ¾ x 3 ¾ - watercolor - $95
75 - Janette D. Koons - Mont Alto, Pennsylvania - Sweet Petals - 3 ½ x 5 ½ - watercolor - $110
76 - Janette D. Koons - Mont Alto, Pennsylvania - Oh! Hello! - 3 ½ x 5 ½ - watercolor - $110 - Merit
77 - Janette D. Koons - Mont Alto, Pennsylvania - Festive - 5 ½ x 3 ½ - watercolor - $110
78 - Stephanie Kozemchak – Frederick, Maryland - The Golden Hour - 3 x 5 - watercolor - $295
79 - Stephanie Kozemchak – Frederick, Maryland - Swift Island - 3 x 5 - watercolor - $295
80 - Stephanie Kozemchak – Frederick, Maryland - Aurelian Clouds - 3 x 5 - watercolor - $295 HM
81 - Stephanie Kozemchak – Frederick, Maryland - Studio View - 3 x 5 - watercolor - $295
82 - Julie Kreps – Waynesboro, Pennsylvania - Raystown Lake - 4 x 6 - pastel - $225 - Merit
83 - Julie Kreps – Waynesboro, Pennsylvania - Moonlight in the Backyard - 3 x 4 ½ pastel + gouache - $175 - HM
84 - Cheryl Kugler – Carlisle, Pennsylvania - Dandelion Hill - 3 ½ x 2 ½ - oil pastel - $110
85 - Cheryl Kugler – Carlisle, Pennsylvania - Goldenrod Farmhouse - 2 ½ x 3 ½ - oil pastel - $110
86 - Cheryl Kugler – Carlisle, Pennsylvania - Ba-Bloom! - 2 ½ x 3 ½ - oil pastel - $110
87 - Cheryl Kugler – Carlisle, Pennsylvania - Swaying Wheat - 3 ½ x 2 ½ - oil pastel - $110
88 - Joan Kwiatkowski - Tinton Falls, New Jersey - Lady in Red - 4 x 4 - mixed media - $45
89 - Joan Kwiatkowski - Tinton Falls, New Jersey --Dawn of A New Day - 4 x 4 - mixed media - $45
90 - Joan Kwiatkowski - Tinton Falls, New Jersey - Lucky - 4 x 4 - mixed media - $45
91 - Joan Kwiatkowski - Tinton Falls, New Jersey - Library Cat - 4 x 4 -mixed media - $45 _

92 - Melissa Libertini – Gettysburg, Pennsylvania - Mane'lu-sister in Chamorro - 3 x 5 - mixed media - NFS

93 - Melissa Libertini – Gettysburg, Pennsylvania - Matathga-strong in Chamarro - 4 x 6 - mixed media - NFS
94 - Carol Lopez - Los Ranchos, New Mexico - Flower Vase - 2 x 3 - encaustic wax - $400
95 - Carol Lopez - Los Ranchos, New Mexico - Splash of Color - 2 x 3 - encaustic wax - $400 HM
96 - Carol Lopez - Los Ranchos, New Mexico - Flower Garden - 2 x 3 - encaustic wax - $400
97- Wyatt Lyions – Baltimore, Maryland - Curiosity Kills - 3 x 6 - pen + ink - $75
98 - Wyatt Lyions – Baltimore, Maryland - Insomnia - 3 x 6 - pen + ink - $75
99 - Wyatt Lyions – Baltimore, Maryland - Peace is Made - 3 x 6 - pen + ink - $75
100 - jim mackey – Gettysburg, Pennsylvania - Pocket God #6 - 4 ¼ x 1 ½ - wood - $30
101 - jim mackey – Gettysburg, Pennsylvania - Pocket God #7 - 4 ¼ x 1 ½ - wood - $30
102 - jim mackey – Gettysburg, Pennsylvania - Forged in Hell - 5 x 3 x 1 ½ - scrap metal - $30
103 - jim mackey – Gettysburg, Pennsylvania - Time Vortex - 4 ½ x 2 x 5 - scrap metal - $30
104 - Nan McCarthy – Hillsboro, New Hampshire - Cascading Water - 3 ¾ x 5 ¾ - acrylic - $150
105 - Nan McCarthy – Hillsboro, New Hampshire - Sparkling Cascade - 3 ¾ x 5 ¾ - acrylic - $150
106 - Nan McCarthy – Hillsboro, New Hampshire - Gushing Waterfall - 3 ½ x 5 ½ - acrylic - $150
107 - Kathleen McCloskey – Mercersburg, Pennsylvania - Lake View - 4 x 4 - pastel - $75
108 - Kathleen McCloskey – Mercersburg, Pennsylvania - Madrid, NM Alley - 5 x 5 - gouache - $100
109 - Hannah McIntosh-Burke - Washington, District of Columbia - Costinis Nitida-- 4 x 6 - mixed media collage - $125
110 - Hannah McIntosh-Burke - Washington, District of Columbia - Opodiphthera Eucalypti - 4 x 6 - mixed media collage - $150
111 - Laurie McKelvie – Shippensburg, Pennsylvania - Quiet Morning - Eastern Shore - 4 ¾ x 4 ¾ - pastel - $75
112 - Laurie McKelvie – Shippensburg, Pennsylvania - Winter Morning - Pacific Grove, CA - 3 ½ x 3 ½ - pastel - $110
113 - James Mullen – Endwell, New York - Green Heron at Sapsuckerwoods - 3 ½ x 3 - ink + watercolor - $75 HM
114 - James Mullen – Endwell, New York - Feeding Station at Sapsuckerwoods - 3 x 4 - ink + watercolor - $75
115 - James Mullen – Endwell, New York - Canada Goose at Sapsuckerwoods - 3 ¼ x 4 - ink + watercolor - $75
116 - James Mullen – Endwell, New York - Sapsucker at Sapsuckerwoods - 2 ½ x 4 ink + watercolor - $75
117 - Mary O'Herron - Silver Springs, Maryland - Soft Awakening - 4 5/8 x 3 5/8 - ink + watercolor - $100
118 - Mary O'Herron - Silver Springs, Maryland - Burrrrr! - 4 5-8 x 3 5-8 – ink - $100
119 - Mary O'Herron - Silver Springs, Maryland - Grateful! - 4 5-8 x 3 5-8 - ink + watercolor - $100
120 - Brian Paulsen - Grand Forks, North Dakota – Waiting - 3 x 4 ½ - ink & colored pencil - $350
121 - Brian Paulsen - Grand Forks, North Dakota – Ceremony - 3 x 4 ½ - ink & colored pencil - $350
122 - Brian Paulsen - Grand Forks, North Dakota – Continuation - 3 x 4 ½ - ink & colored pencil - $350
123 - Cubby Rayfield - Mercersburg, Pennsylvania - The Capitol - 4 ¼ x 3 ½ - watercolor - $150
124 - Cubby Rayfield - Mercersburg, Pennsylvania - White Tail - 3 ½ x 3 ½ - watercolor- $150
125 - Cubby Rayfield - Mercersburg, Pennsylvania - Reflections - 4 5-8 x 3 ¼ - watercolor - $150
126 - Rob Rock - Hagerstown, Maryland - Moon Over Melbourne - 4 x 4 - acrylic - $450
127 - Rob Rock - Hagerstown, Maryland - Herr Heron - 4 x 4 - acrylic-- $450
128 - Rob Rock - Hagerstown, Maryland - Viscous Hibiscus - 4 x 4 - acrylic - $350 _
129 - Rod Stabler + Ann Ruppert - Fairfield, Pennsylvania - Nature's Gift - 5 x 5 - walnut, ebony, enamel on copper - $195
130 - Rod Stabler + Ann Ruppert - Fairfield, Pennsylvania - Deep Down - -5 x 5 - maple, polymer, acrylic - $195
131 - Rod Stabler + Ann Ruppert - Fairfield, Pennsylvania - Going in a Circle - 4 ½ x 4 - dyed maple, ebony, copper - $175 2
132 - Rod Stabler + Ann Ruppert - Fairfield, Pennsylvania - Puzzling -3 x 5 - cherry - $175 _-3
133 - Emily Sloviko - Thurmont, Maryland - Set of Figs - 4 X 5 - acrylic - $395 HM
134 - Emily Sloviko - Thurmont, Maryland - Fall Meadow - 3 ½ x 6 acrylic - $345
135 - Emily Sloviko - Thurmont, Maryland - Out to Lunch - 5 x 3 ½ acrylic - $395
136 - Judy Stenger - Chambersburg, Pennsylvania - September Tomato - 4 x 6 - watercolor - $124
137 - Judy Stenger - Chambersburg, Pennsylvania - Redbud in April - 4 x 6 - watercolor - $124
138 - Amity Trumpower-Kreps - Waynesboro, Pennsylvania - Spring - 4 x 6 - pen + alcohol marker - $40
139 - Amity Trumpower-Kreps - Waynesboro, Pennsylvania - Summer - 4 x 6 - pen + alcohol marker - $40
140 - Amity Trumpower-Kreps -Waynesboro, PennsylvaniaAutumn - 4 x 6 pen + alcohol marker - $40
141 - Amity Trumpower-Kreps - Waynesboro, Pennsylvania - Winter- 4 x 6 - pen + alcohol marker - $40
142 - Eily Vaughan - Baltimore, Maryland - Newcastle Churchyard One - 3 x 5 - mixed media - $75
143 - Eily Vaughan - Baltimore, Maryland - Newcastle Churchyard Two - 3 x 5 - pen - $75
144 - Gloria Walker - Fayetteville, Pennsylvania - Cloudy Sea - 4 x 3 - watercolor - $50
145 - Gloria Walker - Fayetteville, Pennsylvania - Under the Sea - 1 ½ x 4 ¼ - watercolor - $75
146 - Gloria Walker - Fayetteville, Pennsylvania - Queen Anne's Lace - 4 ¼ x 2 ½ - watercolor - $75 HM
147 - Gloria Walker - Fayetteville, Pennsylvania - My Reflection - 1 ¾ - watercolor - $75
148 - Akiko Watanabe - Pacifica, California - Floating World II - 4 ½ x 4 ½ - acrylic - $650
149 – Akiko Watanabe - Pacifica, California - Stargazer - 3 ¾ x 4 ¾ – acrylic - $400
150 - Akiko Watanabe - Pacifica, California - Predator's Profile - 3 x 3 – acrylic - $350
151 - Diana M Wyles - Fort Bragg, California - Red Fox - A Portrait - 2 ½ x 2 ½ - Gouache - $275
152 - Diana M Wyles - Fort Bragg, California - Window of Separation - 3 x 3 ¼ - acrylic - $475
153 - Diana M Wyles - Fort Bragg, California – Grace - 2 ¾ x 4 ¾ - gouache - $450
154 - Diana M Wyles - Fort Bragg, California - Birds on a Wire - Barn Swallows - 2 ¼ x 4 ¼ - acrylic - $225 HM
Penny Griffin Lutz is an accomplished art historian and gallery director with over two decades of experience in the arts sector. Currently serving as the Director of The Gallery at Penn College, she oversees exhibitions, community outreach, and educational programs. Penny has curated over 100 exhibitions, and successfully managed various grants to enhance the gallery’s offerings, including the NEA-funded “Mindful: Exploring Mental Health Through Art.”
She holds a Master of Arts in Art History from Bloomsburg University and a Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies from Northern Arizona University. In addition to her directorial role, Penny has contributed as an adjunct faculty member, teaching art history and photography. Penny is also actively involved in the arts community.